Chief Trump enabler in the Inferno (collage of images from Wikimedia Commons)

A Special Place in Hell for Trump Enablers

Lannie Rose
3 min readJul 25, 2020


Donald Trump Sr. is blameless on account of being clinically insane. His enablers, those who are of sound mind, will find themselves in a special place in Hell for knowingly allowing the Trump administration’s behavior, and they share responsibility for letting the office of the President to continue to be polluted by Trump’s personal sins. Let us see where they will spend eternity by reviewing the nine circles of Hell, as described for us in Dante Alighieri’s 1320 travelogue.

Cirle 1: Limbo, a place for pagans.

Do you call yourself a Christian, but fail to follow Christ’s path? (See also Circle 6: Heresy.)

Cirle 2: Lust.

Here is a place for those who give Trump a pass on the accusations of sexual misconduct by 25 or so women, payoffs to Stormy Daniels, and lusting after his own daughter.

Cirle 3: Gluttony.

Cirle 4: Greed.

“… at the end of 2017, … Republicans passed a $1.5 trillion tax cut … which mostly benefited the rich …” — Trump’s Tax Cuts Were a Disaster

Cirle 5: Anger.

  • Trump turns angry and defensive as evidence contradicts his coronavirus narrative

😠😠😠 “There is anger.” 😠😠😠

Cirle 6: Heresy.

  • Trump and religion: ‘A battle of heresy versus Christian truth’
  • “Under King Cyrus Trump … the religious right has laid bare its hypocrisy, and indeed its heresy.”
  • Trump signed Bibles. Heresy?…
  • Pastors who prayed with Donald Trump accused of heresy
  • Trump, Christians, and the danger of heresy

Cirle 7: Violence.

The Mother of All Bombs (Wikimedia Commons)
Kids in cages (Photo from article linked immediately following)
Trump’s secret police attack protestors (photo from article linked immediately following)
“Jews will not replaces us!”
Violent Mitch (Wikimedia Commons)

Cirle 8: Fraud.

Cirle 9: Treachery.

Satan will have to create a special place in Hell for those who belong in too many of his circles.

Oh, ye Trump enablers, it is not too late to repent and get on the blessed path!

Next up: A Special Place in Hell For Enablers of the Democratic Party, subhead: Sins of Omission



Lannie Rose
Lannie Rose

Written by Lannie Rose

Nice to have a place where my writing can be ignored by millions

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