Blame the Cows
Global Climate Change — It’s the Cows’ Fault
Oh yeah. People want to blame global climate change on humans. But we’re not to blame. It’s the cows what done it.
Face it, the cow is the most successful mammilian species on the face of the earth. There are many billions more of them than would be here naturally, had they not learned to subjugate humans and force us to do their bidding. Now they live idyllic lives grazing in lovely pastures all day while humans sweat and slave to support them. This is not an original thought of mine. I saw it on the Internet and I just had to agree with the logic.
What is worse, cow farts directly cause a goodly percentage of global warming. I’d tell you what percentage, but I’m too lazy to google it. That would be research, and I’m not that kind of writer.
If we want to put cows in their proper place, we must all become vegetarians immediately. Then we can close the ranches and factory farms, and let cows fare for themselves. I don’t think they’ll be around long. Not with wolves in the ecosystem.
Once we are free from our bovine overlords, I’m sure we will come to our senses and begin to value and take care of all life our the planet, and not just the damn cows.