Celebrating the Upside-Down Squeeze Bottle
Do you know about this great innovation’s newest innovation?
Let us celebrate the small pleasures in life. Such little things may be what makes life worth living.
Today, we celebrate the upside-down squeeze bottle. You know, the ketchup bottle with the cap on the bottom. (It can be found with mustard and mayo, too.) How brilliant! How obvious, once you see it!
How many decades did people store their condiment bottles upside down in the fridge before somebody got the idea to simply design the bottle that way? It was right there in front of our noses, but we pounded on the bottoms of the bottles to get that last little bit out like idiots.
Well, if you don’t know, I’m happy to inform you that the upside-down squeeze bottle revolution has seen its next great innovation. This Dawn dishwashing liquid soap bottle is not only upside down, but it doesn’t have a cap on it. At least, not a cap that you have to remove each time you want some soap. No, some clever person designed a bottle top/bottom with a valve such that you need only pick it up and squeeze, and out comes your soap. Genius!
This is not a labor-saving invention. Snapping open the top/bottom cap of a squeeze bottle can hardly be called labor.
It does not eliminate an annoyance from my life. Who was ever annoyed by popping the cap off the top/bottom of a sqeeze bottle? Or twisting it open, as may be?
It simply makes the upside-down squeeze bottle a pleasure to use. It is the Apple of squeeze bottles.
However, unlike Apple, you pay no extra premium for the Dawn upside-down no-cap squeeze bottle. It has essentially zero impact on the manufacturing cost of the bottle (I imagine) and they pass that no-extra-cost on to the consumer. It is a win-win all the way round!
So congratulations and thanks to the inventors of the upside-down squeeze bottle and the no-cap upside-down squeeze bottle. You have brought some tiny pleasures into my life.
Never forget to enjoy and celebrate the little things. And the little people … but that is a topic for a different article.