Damn, you so smart, Richard! I totally buy your theory about powerful nostalgia. That's it! I hear the tune and think, "Wow, I remember that! I gotta listen!" Can't just shunt it to the background. I'll get back to you about obtaining the album. Let's see what ideas other readers may have. One very cool thing about the YouTube rathole is that I get to see concerts of bands I never saw in person. Well, I rarely have the patience for a whole concert, but I watch a song or two. I did watch a whole Led Zeppelin concert. I always look for the concerts from the old days, not ones of sexagenarians, though most of them still have the chops and the voices. God, they were so young and beautiful when they got famous--all of them, it seems. I didn't appreciate it at the time. Look, now you've pulled me down memory lane!
If you love The Beatles and you haven't run across The Analogues yet, check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPiplYL897o
But one thing you didn't say: Do you like the Cherries album?