Hey Alicia! I once wrote an essay so similar that I won’t even bother linking to it. (Yours is better!) I would like to share some advice about top surgery: You might want to wait on that decision for a year or so after bottom surgery. Your perspective might be quite different then. I didn’t have a real strong feeling either way about top surgery, and a year or two post-op, I was glad I didn’t go for it. Now I couldn’t give a toss about big boobs, not mine (lack of) or others, and it is a blessing to not have to wear bras except when a little nip action would be unacceptable. (I very rarely wear nylons or jewelry or skirts anymore either. No gender dysphoria = no need of it and no thrill from it.) Admittedly, no one has ever heeded this advice, and I don’t know anyone that regrets having had top surgery, but I’m putting it out there anyway. :-)