Hi Erik. You either missed my point entirely because you have no capacity for empathy, or you are deliberately ignoring it to make your argument. From a macro point, you are correct. From the point of view of those suffering, the macro does not matter. Okay, I’ll go macro with you. Sure, overall humanity is better off by many metrics than it was 100 years ago. But we would be much more better off if we’d started taking care of climate change 30, 40, 50 years ago when our leaders well knew about it. If we’d preserved our liberal democracy rather than letting it devolve into an oligopoly and monopoly-poly (there must be a better word for that one), as it did in the previous Gilded Age. If we’d not let one of our major political parties be taken over by crazies. (Pick your party.) Besides, if industrial civilization does crash in the next 10, 20, 30 years, as seems inevitable., then I would rather be living 100 years ago.