Hi John. I’m glad you enjoyed my little joke. But, to be serious on my side, well, I guess you are right. But after, what, 40 years? of fission-generated power, it is still the most expensive and dangerous way to boil a pot of water, as Kennedy Jr. likes to say. Maybe they are finally getting there with these new micro-reactors, but the nuclear waste problem is still far from solved. So cost-effective fusion power is, in my mind, at least 50 year off, and even then, it has the nuclear waste problem. So, maybe never a commercially successful technology. Maybe by the time it is technically feasible, there will be no need for it because of pervasive distributed solar, wind, and wave, and even fission if it ever gets its act together. Or, more likely still, civilization collapses in the next 20 to 30 years and technology, if is exists at all, is back to water wheels.