Listicle: Trump is…
In my humble opinion…
If I were called to jury duty on one of the many Donald J. Trump trials and they asked me my opinion of the defendant, I would say:
Trump is…
- Scum
- A garbage person
- Doggy poopy on the bottom of my shoe
- A fraud
- A cheat
- A grifter, a con-man
- A pathological liar
- A fabulist
- Broke
- Tasteless
- A junk food junkie
- A loser
- A failure at business
- An employer of undocumented foreign workers
- A traitor
- A spy
- A KGB asset
- A Putin-lover
- A fascist
- A racist
- A white supremacist
- A would-be oligarch
- A would-be dictator
- An insurrectionist
- A debaser of the presidency, the rule of law, the institutions of government, and the norms and traditions of our democratic society
- Responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans by his handling of the Covid pandemic
- The worst president of them all
- A malignant paranoid narcissist
- Emotionally stunted
- Lacking in self-awareness
- Probably a sociopath
- Possibly psychotic
- A drug addict
- Not in his right mind
- A philanderer
- A pedophile (Teen Miss America pagents)
- An adjudicated rapist
- An adjudicated fraudster
- Ridiculous
- Ignorant
- Lazy
- Evil
- A stupid ass-faced clown
- A big fat whiny poopy diaper baby
…and no, I cannot judge him fairly and impartially based only on the evidence presented at trial.
Do I hate the man? It’s a close thing, but I would say no. I would not personally inflict any harm on him, nor want anyone else to. But I would like him to spend the rest of his life in prison. I did hate to see him occupy the office of the president, and I would hate to see him there again. It would be a shame if he dropped dead tomorrow, without spending a single night in the stony lonesome. But at least it would keep him out of the White House.
Please Vote in November!!!
Addendum September 2024, after Harris/Trump presidential debate:
- Raving lunatic