Martin, you are absolutely right. I've been driving electric since the first Nissan LEAF became available in California in June 2011. Since then, the only few times I've been to gas stations is when I've been passenger in an ICE vehicle. I HATED having to stop at gas stations to fill up. It's one of the main reasons I went electric. "Every time you leave home an EV has a full tank." That nails it right there. (And you know what else? I'll never have a home hydrogen station, so much for hydrogen vehicles.) Moreover, GM just announced that their EVs will have a 450-mile range ini two years. At that point, charging stations are not needed anywhere except at home along interstates for very long trips, and at hotels for long trips with overnight stays. So public charging infrastructure is already getting to be a dumb invenstment, solving yesterday's problem when we should be thining about the future. Seems to me that the biggedst charging challenge is for apratment buildings to provide charging for all residents -- especially in dense cities where they may not even provide parking for all residents.