Medium Climate Change Authors I Follow
If you don’t have time or patience to read, let me summarise
Here are my favorite Medium authors that write a lot on climate change. I love you all and value your writing and opinions. Please don’t be offended as I mock you a little bit, just for fun. The list is alphabetical by last name.
Auntigrav: “Here is a comment that is much better thought out than the article.” Sometimes longer, too.
Frederick Bott: “Climate change will be solved by solar power and hydrogen. Social ills will be solved by virtually free Kardashev money based on solar energy. Eventually, inevitably, our leaders will realize this.”
Richard Crim: “Have you looked at the data? Here is the data. Let me explain it to you. One billion people will die by the time you finish reading this article.”
Umair Haque: “Climate change is a disaster. America is destroying itself. Britain is a failed state. I love my dog.”
Ray Katz: “Let the little children lead us out of the mess we’ve made. Read this.”
Authur Keith: “Water is thing of the past. Get prepared to be thirsty. Very, very thirsty. BTW, I visitted Buttfuck, South Dakota, and it is beautiful. Look at this photo of a wooden fence post.”
Christyl Rivers, Phd.: “Did you know I have a doctorate in ecopsychology?” Did you know there was such a thing as ecopsychology?
Tessa Schlesinger: “I’m fed up with all of you. I’m fed up with the world. Climate change is coming for us all.”
Jessica Wildfire: “I’m just sayin’ what we’re all thinking.”
— Lannie Rose, December 2022
preferred pronouns: she/her/hers