That's a short-term problem. Pretty soon fossil fuel power will be mostly replaced with wind and solar, if we're going to maintain a civilization capable of producing automobiles. At that point, EVs become helpful to the gird -- they constitute a huge, distributed grid storage battery when peak power is needed! In Japan it has been possible for a few fears already to get a transformer installed that lets your Nissan LEAF power your house during a power outage. It was workable in Japan but not in the USA because a typical Japanese house has a much lower power footrpint than a house in the USA. But, with 450-mile-range EV batteries coming within a few years (accoring t GM), it will work great for homes everywhere, and create that distributed grid backup battery, mitigating the need for highly-pollluting peaker plants. Used EV batteries with degraded capacities can also be stacked into grid backup system.